Vicerrectoría de Investigación


VRI INFORMA 71/2013 - Harvard Opportunities

Harvard Opportunities


La Vicerrectoría de Investigación informa la  convocatoria del Harvard-Chile Innovation Initiative--HCI², que tiene por objetivo financiar y fortalecer la conexión y colaboración entre académicos e investigadores chilenos y sus pares de la Universidad de Harvard.
Los investigadores de Harvard deben realizar la postulación. Por tanto, invitamos a los investigadores UC interesados en participar,  a contactarse con sus pares de la Universidad de Harvard.

Fecha cierre concurso: 01 de Noviembre de 2013

Harvard Chile Innovation Initiative

The National Council for Scientific and Technological Research of Chile—CONICYT, Chile’s Ministry of the Economy, and the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University are pleased to announce the Harvard-Chile Innovation Initiative--HCI².  The Program, has as a primary objective to strengthen connections between Chile and Harvard through research and educational relationships around technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The specific objectives are to:
• Promote joint research between Harvard scholars and academics in Chile.
• Encourage the flow of people and networking between Chile and Harvard.
• Facilitate the creation of long-term relationships and cooperation between research centers and universities in Chile and Harvard.
Teams of researchers in Chile and at Harvard may submit joint proposals for site visits, workshops, and sometimes longer term stays at partner institutions.
Funding will be primarily for program start-up expenses including travel and related costs for faculty and students.  Proposals will be selected by a Harvard committee on merit, extent of student involvement, balanced participation between Harvard and Chilean researchers, and promise of generating longer term research collaborations. Funded projects should be begun in the same academic year that the award is granted. Maximum award is USD$25,000. Deadline for proposal submission: November 1, 2013. Application information will be available on the DRCLAS website: under “Faculty”

Eligibility: Full-time Assistant, Associate and Full Professors in any Harvard Department or School may apply. Preceptors, Lecturers, or Instructors may also apply provided they hold a full-time teaching position.

Para mayor información o consultas, favor dirigirse a Marcela Valle, Vicerrectoría de Investigación, e-mail Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla.



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